
Our mission is to protect and restore the environment and to foster a healthy and prosperous New Mexico for present and future generations. We implement our mission guided by four tenets:


Using the best available science to inform our decision-making in protecting public health and the environment.


Employing creative engineering and technological solutions to address environmental challenges.


Engaging communities and interested stakeholders in environmental decision-making outcomes.


Ensuring meaningful compliance with state regulations and permits; leveling the playing field through enforcement.

Non-Employee Discrimination Complaints

NMED does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, age or sex in the administration of its programs or activities. To learn more or to file a complaint, visit our Equity webpage.

Quejas por Discriminación de No-Empleados

El Departamento de Medio Ambiente de Nuevo México (NMED, por su sigla en inglés) no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, discapacidad, edad o sexo en la administración de sus programas o actividades. Para obtener más información o para presentar una queja visite Equity webpage.

Tribal Liaison

The Tribal Liaison coordinates and oversees agency activities that may impact New Mexico’s tribes, nations and pueblos.

Border Liaison

Border Liaison: the States of New Mexico and Chihuahua have many ways we work together and communicate on environmental media in the Border Area.

Happening Now

08 Sep

Public comment period extention: Sandia National Labs Mixed Waste Landfill Second Five-Year Report

5pm MDT
The New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) issues for public comment the Sandia National Laboratories Mixed Waste Landfill Second Five-Year Report. The Secretary of the NMED approved a remedy for corrective measures for Solid Waste Management Unit (SWMU) 76, Mixed Waste Landfill (MWL) at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) in a Final Order dated May 26, 2005. The May 2005 Final Order established the requirement for a five-year report assessing the remedy performance for the MWL.

The MWL is a 2.6-acre SWMU located in the north-central portion of Technical Area-III, approximately five miles southeast of the Albuquerque International Sunport. The MWL was used as a disposal area for low level radioactive waste, hazardous waste, and mixed waste generated at SNL/NM research facilities and offsite locations from March 1959 to December 1988. In the May 2005 Final Order, the NMED selected a vegetative soil cover with a biointrusion barrier (i.e., evapotranspiration cover) as the remedy for the MWL that includes unsaturated zone and groundwater monitoring. On January 8, 2014, NMED approved the MWL Long-Term Monitoring and Maintenance Plan (LTMMP), which started the first five-year evaluation period.

NMED received the MWL Second Five-Year Report in December 2023. The May 2005 Final Order requires that NMED provide a process whereby members of the public may comment on the MWL Second Five-Year Report and its conclusions and respond to those comments in its final approval of the MWL Second Five-Year Report.

08 Sep

Public comment period extension: 401 Certification of the Bishop's Lodge Resort WWTF NPDES NM0031233 / Periodo de comentario publico se han extendido para la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales del complejo de la logia del obispo NPDES NM0031233

The NMED Surface Water Quality Bureau extends the comment period for Clean Water Act 401 Certification of the draft National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit for the Bishop's Lodge Resort Wastewater Treatment Facility, NPDES permit # NM0031233.

This is a notification that EPA’s public notice and associated federal comment period have been extended for the draft National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for the Bishop's Lodge Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF), NPDES permit number NM0031233.

Additionally, NMED has extended the concurrent comment period for the Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification of the draft NPDES permit.

When EPA Region 6 drafts an NPDES permit for a discharge into one of New Mexico’s surface waters, NMED has an opportunity to assure that the discharge will not negatively affect the receiving waterbodies. This is documented through the 401 Certification and is required in accordance with state regulations at NMAC. NMED can make the draft permit more stringent if based on state law or can make comments to EPA for consideration in the final permit. NMED also has the authority to deny certification if the permitting circumstances will not guarantee that the discharge will meet water quality standards. 

The facility is located at 1297 Bishops Lodge Road, City of Santa Fe, Santa Fe County, New Mexico. The discharges from the facility are to the Little Tesuque Creek, thence to the Rio Tesuque, thence to the Pojoaque River, and thence to the Rio Grande in Segment NMAC Rio Grande Basin in Santa Fe County, New Mexico.

The draft permit, draft fact sheet, and other associated information can be found at the EPA public notice website and the NMED public notice website. Updates regarding the draft permit, public comment period, and public hearing will be posted on the EPA webpage. General background information about discharge permits can be found in the Bishop's Lodge Resort Frequently Asked Questions.

EPA has included per- and polyfluorinated substances (PFAS) monitoring requirements based on the memo from EPA headquarters addressing PFAS discharges in NPDES permits and through the Pretreatment Program and Monitoring Programs.

If you have comments that you would like NMED to consider as the Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification is drafted, please submit them using the NMED Public Comment Portal or send them to:
     Susan A. Lucas Kamat, Program Manager
     SWQB Point Source Regulation Section
     PO Box 5469
     Santa Fe, NM 87502
Tutorial videos on how to use the Public Comment Portal are available in English and Spanish.

NMED will accept written comments until 5pm MST on Monday, September 30, 2024.

Persons who need language services (e.g., assistance for an interpreter) or persons with disabilities who need services to participate in this public process should contact:
     Susan A. Lucas Kamat
     PO Box 5469
     Santa Fe, NM 87502
     (505) 946-8924

TDD or TTY users please access the number via the New Mexico Relay Network, 1-800-659-1779 (voice); TTY users: 1-800-659-8331.

Anuncio del aviso público sobre el Certificación de la Sección 401 de la Ley de Aguas Limpias

Esta es una notificación de que el aviso público de la EPA y el período federales asociado de comentarios se han extendido para la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales del complejo de la logia del obispo, número de permiso NPDES NM0031233.

Además, NMED ha abierto el período simultáneo de comentarios para la Certificación de la Sección 401 de la Ley de Agua Limpia del borrador del permiso NPDES mencionado anteriormente.

Cuando la Región 6 de la EPA redacta un permiso del Sistema Nacional de Eliminación de Descargas de Contaminantes (NPDES, por sus siglas en inglés) para una descarga en aguas superficiales de Nuevo México, se requiere que NMED concuerde con que la descarga no afectará negativamente a los cuerpos de agua receptores. Esto se documenta a través de la certificación 401 y se requiere de acuerdo con NMAC. NMED puede hacer que el borrador del permiso sea más estricto si se basa en la ley estatal o puede hacer comentarios a la EPA para su consideración en el permiso final. NMED también tiene la autoridad para denegar la certificación si las circunstancias de los permisos no garantizan que la descarga cumpla con los estándares de calidad del agua.

La instalación está ubicada en Bishops Lodge Rd en el Ciudad de Santa Fe en el condado Santa Fe en Nuevo México. Las descargas de la instalación son al Little Tesuque Creek, de allí al Rio Tesuque, de allí al Pojoaque River, de allí al Río Grande en el segmento NMAC en la cuenca del Río Grande en el condado de Santa Fe en Nuevo México.

El permiso, la hoja de datos/declaración de base y otra información relacionada se pueden encontrar en los siguientes sitios web del EPA y sitios web del NMED. Las actualizaciones sobre el borrador del permiso, el período de comentarios públicos y la audiencia pública se publicarán en la página web de la EPA. También puede encontrar información general sobre los permisos de descarga en la página de preguntas frecuentes del Informe de Bishop's Lodge.

La EPA ha incluido los requisitos de monitoreo de sustancias perfluoradas y polifluoradas (PFAS) con base en el memorando de la sede de la EPA que aborda las descargas de PFAS en los permisos NPDES y a través del programa de pretratamiento y los programas de monitoreo.

Si usted tiene algún comentario sobre esta instalación que desea que el NMED considere al redactar la Certificación de la Ley de Aguas Limpias, Sección 401, sírvase envíelos utilizando el Portal de Comentarios Públicos de NMED o enviarlo a:
     Susan A. Lucas Kamat, Program Manager
     PO Box 5469
     Santa Fe, NM 87502
Los videos tutoriales sobre cómo usar el Portal de comentarios públicos están disponibles en inglés y español.

NMED SWQB aceptará comentarios escritos hasta el final del día hábil a las 5 p.m. MST del lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2024.

Las personas que necesiten asistencia de lenguaje (por ejemplo, asistencia para un intérprete) o las personas que tengan una discapacidad o que necesiten ayuda para participar en este proceso público deberán comunicarse con:
     Susan A. Lucas Kamat
     PO Box 5469
     Santa Fe, NM 87502
     (505) 946-8924

Los usuarios de TDD o TTY pueden acceder al número a través de la red de retransmisión de Nuevo México, 1-800-659-1779 (voz); usuarios de TTY: 1-800-659-8331.
The New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, age or sex in the administration of its programs or activities, as required by applicable laws and regulations. If you have any questions about any of the NMED non-discrimination programs, policies or procedures, you may contact:
     Kate Cardenas, NMED Non-Discrimination Coordinator
     PO Box 5469
     Santa Fe, NM 87502
     (505) 827-2855

If you believe that you have been discriminated against with respect to a NMED program or activity, you may contact the Non-Discrimination Coordinator identified above or visit our website to learn how and where to file a complaint of discrimination.
El Departamento del Medio Ambiente de Nuevo México (NMED, por su sigla en inglés) no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, discapacidad, edad o sexo en la administración de sus programas o actividades, según lo exigido por las leyes y los reglamentos correspondientes. Si tiene preguntas sobre cualquier programa de no discriminación, norma o procedimiento de NMED, puede comunicarse con:
     Kate Cardenas, la Coordinadora de No Discriminación
     PO Box 5469
     Santa Fe, NM 87502
     (505) 827-2855

Si piensa que ha sido discriminado con respecto a un programa o actividad de NMED, puede comunicarse con la Coordinadora de No Discriminación antes indicada o visitar nuestro sitio web para saber cómo y dónde presentar una queja por discriminación.
08 Sep

30-day Public Comment Period: Targa Northern Delaware LLC-Big Lizard Compressor Station Air Quality Construction Permit Application 7960M3

The 30-day comment period is open for this permit application. Visit the NMED website www.env.nm.gov and look for the Public Participation menu in the top right. Click Public Notices and look under Lea County to see documents related to this permitting application. Click Public Comment Portal on the Public Participation menu to submit comments or use the link below.
08 Sep

Draft Regional Haze Plan for Second Implementation Period and New Companion Rule 20.2.68 NMAC Open Comment Period

NMED has completed a draft regional haze plan for the second implementation period and developed a new rule, 20.2.68 NMAC – Regional Haze Requirements, designed to make the emissions limitations and other measures in the plan federally enforceable. NMED is now soliciting feedback from the public on the draft plan and rule in advance of requesting a hearing before the New Mexico Environmental Improvement Board. NMED will accept comments on the draft plan or rule through 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time on Friday, September 20, 2024. To see the draft regional haze plan and the new companion rule 20.2.68 NMAC visit the link below.
08 Sep

Public comment period opens: 401 Certification of the USACE permit #SPA-2022-00092-ABQ Los Lunas RM 163 Conveyance Capacity Project / Periodo de comentario publico abierara para USACE #SPA-2022-00092-ABQ para del Proyecto de canales de Los Lunas

The NMED Surface Water Quality Bureau opens the comment period for Clean Water Act 401 Certification of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permit #SPA-2022-00092-ABQ for the Los Lunas Channel and Floodplain Maintenance Project at River Mile 163.

This is a public notice that the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) has opened a comment period for a certification request under Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 401. The certification request is from the United States Bureau of Reclamation for a channel and floodplain maintenance project located two miles north of the NM 6 bridge in Los Lunas, New Mexico.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issues CWA Section 404 permits for the discharge of dredged or fill material. The purpose of CWA Section 401 is to ensure the discharge will comply with state water quality standards. NMED has authority under CWA Section 401 to certify, certify with conditions, or deny certification of the permit. Procedures for certification of Section 404 permits are found at New Mexico Administrative Code.

The 30-day comment period on this certification request will open August 27, 2024, and will close September 26, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. MDT. This public notice and associated information are posted at the NMED public notice website. Formal comments for inclusion in the public record must be submitted in writing via the NMED Public Comment Portal at the NMED Public Comment Portal, or alternately in writing to:
     Kate Lacey-Younge, Program Manager Watershed Protection Section
     Surface Water Quality Bureau
     New Mexico Environment Department
     P.O. Box 5469
     Santa Fe, NM 87502-5469
     Email (preferred): wpsprogram.manager@env.nm.gov
Tutorial videos on how to use the Public Comment Portal are available in both English and Spanish.

For more information on SPA-2022-00092-ABQ, please contact:
     Alan Klatt, Watershed Protection Section
     Surface Water Quality Bureau
     New Mexico Environment Department
     P.O. Box 5469
     Santa Fe, NM 87502-5469
     telephone: 505-819-9623
     email: alan.klatt@env.nm.gov

Persons who need language services (e.g., assistance for an interpreter) or persons with disabilities who need services to participate in this public process should contact:
     Alan Klatt
     P.O. Box 5469
     Santa Fe, NM 87502
     telephone: 505-819-9623
     email: alan.klatt@env.nm.gov

TDD or TTY users please access the number via the New Mexico Relay Network, 1-800-659-1779 (voice); TTY users: 1-800-659-8331.

La Oficina de Calidad de Aguas Superficiales del NMED se abre el período de comentarios públicos para la certificación del permiso del Cuerpo de Ingenieros del Ejército de los EE. UU. núm. SPA-2022-00092-ABQ Proyecto de mantenimiento de canales y llanuras aluviales de Los Lunas en River Mile 163.

Este es un aviso público de que el Departamento de Medio Ambiente de Nuevo México (NMED, por sus siglas en inglés) ha abierto un período de comentarios para la solicitud de certificación conforme a la Sección 401 de la Ley de Agua Limpia (CWA, por sus siglas en inglés). La solicitud de certificación es de la Oficina de Reclamación de los Estados Unidos para un proyecto de mantenimiento de canales y llanuras aluviales ubicado a dos millas al norte del puente NM 6 en Los Lunas, Nuevo México.

El Cuerpo de Ingenieros del Ejército de los EE. UU. emite permisos de la Sección 404 de la CWA para la descarga de material de dragado o de relleno. El propósito de la Sección 401 de CWA es garantizar que la descarga cumpla con los estándares estatales de calidad del agua. El NMED tiene autoridad bajo la Sección 401 de la CWA para certificar, certificar con condiciones o denegar la certificación del permiso. Los procedimientos para la certificación de los permisos de la Sección 404 se encuentran en el Código Administrativo de Nuevo México

El período de comentarios de 30 días sobre esta solicitud de certificación se abrirá el 27 de agosto de  2024 y cerrará 26 de septiembre de 2024 a las 5:00 p.m. MDT. Este aviso público y la información asociada se ha publicado en los sitios web del NMED. Los comentarios formales para su inclusión en el registro público deben enviarse por escrito a través del Portal de Comentarios Públicos de NMED, o alternativamente por escrito a:
     Kate Lacey-Younge, Gerente de Programa Sección de Protección de Cuencas Hidrográficas
     Oficina de Calidad de Aguas Superficiales
     Departamento de Medio Ambiente de Nuevo México
     PO Box 5469
     Santa Fe, NM 87502-5469
     Correo electrónico: wpsprogram.manager@env.nm.gov
Los videos tutoriales sobre cómo usar el Portal de comentarios públicos están disponibles en inglés y español.

Para obtener más información sobre SPA-2022-00093-ABQ, comuníquese con:
     Alan Klatt, Sección de Protección de Cuencas Hidrográficas
     Oficina de Calidad de Aguas Superficiales
     Departamento de Medio Ambiente de Nuevo México
     P.O. Box 5469
     Santa Fe, NM 87502-5469
     teléfono: 505-819-9623
     correo electrónico: alan.klatt@env.nm.gov

Las personas que necesiten asistencia de lenguaje (por ejemplo, asistencia para un intérprete) o las personas que tengan una discapacidad o que necesiten ayuda para participar en este proceso público deberán comunicarse con:
     Alan Klatt
     P.O. Box 5469
     Santa Fe, NM 87502
     teléfono: 505-819-9623
     correo electrónico: alan.klatt@env.nm.go

Los usuarios de TDD o TTY pueden acceder al número a través de la red de retransmisión de Nuevo México, 1-800-659-1779 (voz); usuarios de TTY: 1-800-659-8331.
The New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, age or sex in the administration of its programs or activities, as required by applicable laws and regulations. If you have any questions about any of the NMED’s non-discrimination programs, policies or procedures, you may contact:
     Kate Cardenas, NMED’s Non-Discrimination Coordinator
     1190 St. Francis Dr., Suite N4050
     P.O. Box 5469
     Santa Fe, NM 87502
     telephone: (505) 827-2855
     email: nd.coordinator@env.nm.gov

If you believe that you have been discriminated against with respect to a NMED program or activity, you may contact the Non-Discrimination Coordinator identified above or visit our website to learn how and where to file a complaint of discrimination.

El Departamento del Medio Ambiente de Nuevo México (NMED, por su sigla en inglés) no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, discapacidad, edad o sexo en la administración de sus programas o actividades, según lo exigido por las leyes y los reglamentos correspondientes. Si tiene preguntas sobre cualquier programa de no discriminación, norma o procedimiento de NMED, puede comunicarse con:
     Kate Cardenas, la Coordinadora de No Discriminación de NMED
     1190 St. Francis Dr., Suite N4050
     P.O. Box 5469
     Santa Fe, NM 87502
     teléfono: (505) 827-2855
     correo electrónico: nd.coordinator@env.nm.gov

Si piensa que ha sido discriminado con respecto a un programa o actividad de NMED, puede comunicarse con la Coordinadora de No Discriminación antes indicada o visitar nuestro sitio web para saber cómo y dónde presentar una queja por discriminación.
08 Sep

Free PFAS Blood Testing

The state of New Mexico is offering free PFAS blood testing to eligible participants during two sampling events. The blood testing will occur in Clovis, NM from September 12 - 19 and again from October 3 -9 by appointment only. To be eligible, participants must be a current New Mexico resident, at least 18 years of age, and currently, or have ever, lived or worked in the project focus area (see map). To make an appointment call (575) 575-PFAS or (575) 575-7327. For more information visit env.nm.gov/pfas/blood-testing/ 

MAP Final & Best smaller
09 Sep

NMED Air Quality Bureau - Stakeholder Engagement Webinar – Regional Haze Draft Plan and Draft New Rule 20.2.68 NMAC

5:30 – 7:30pm MDT

1. Introductions
2. Background
3. Overview of Draft Plan and New Rule
4. Selected Sources/Control Evaluations
5. Results of Analysis
6. Navigating the Draft Plan
7. Additional Engagement Opportunities
8. Discussion

Meeting link: https://nmed-oit.webex.com/nmed-oit/j.php?MTID=m02cde1b4402d889ee61e55ade09cdf10

Meeting number: 2631 628 0509

Meeting password: zJGpWFAc927

Join by phone

+1-415-655-0001 Toll

Access code: 26316280509
10 Sep

Water Quality Control Commission Monthly Meeting

9am – 12pm MDT
This is the regular monthly meeting of the WQCC

Meeting Notice

Meeting link: nmed-oit.webex.com… 
Meeting number: 2632 909 6278
Password: k3SgJG26hab
Join by phone
+1-415-655-0001 US Toll
Access code: 2632 909 6278
10 Sep

NMED Air Quality Bureau – (repeat) Stakeholder Engagement Webinar – Regional Haze Draft Plan and Draft New Rule 20.2.68 NMAC

10am – 12pm MDT

1. Introductions
2. Background
3. Overview of Draft Plan and New Rule
4. Selected Sources/Control Evaluations
5. Results of Analysis
6. Navigating the Draft Plan
7. Additional Engagement Opportunities
8. Discussion

WebEx Meeting link: https://nmed-oit.webex.com/nmed-oit/j.php?TID=mdb754476e684df1506e2a2c2b2e60e64

Meeting number: 2630 273 5900

Meeting password: fwHehwkY383

Join by phone

+1-415-655-0001 Toll

Access code: 26302735900
11 Sep

Wildfire Impacts on Water Infrastructure

12 – 1pm MDT
Over 56,000 wildfires were reported in 2023 according to the Department of Interior’s National Interagency Fire Center. Many of these fires have destroyed countless acres of land as well as any structure on them. In August 2023, a wildfire in Maui, Hawai’i impacted over 2,000 structures and is considered the deadliest United States wildfire in at least the past 100 years.
Contaminants of drinking water systems and premise plumbing from wildfires is an emergency concern, especially in the Western United States. Much about wildfire-associated contamination from benzene and other hazardous materials is not well understood. Knowledge gaps complicate response and recovery actions as well as efforts to build water systems resilience against future wildfires.
This presentation will discuss EPA’s emergency response efforts to the Maui wildfires and ongoing research to further understand contamination of water infrastructure. Research topics include uptake and release of contaminants in hot and cold pipes commonly used in premise plumbing and the effects of hot gasses and smoke on drinking water pipes.
12 Sep

Utility Operator Certification Advisory Board Meeting

9 – 10am MDT
The Utility Operator Certification Advisory Board quarterly meeting will be held on Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 9:00 am (MT). All interested persons are invited to attend online or by teleconference.
The meeting Agenda is available www.env.nm.gov…

Join by meeting number Meeting number (access code): 2632 018 3761
Meeting password: MDkJcjps868
● Join by phone +1-415-655-0001 US Toll To connect to the meeting by phone enter this access code: 2632 018 3761
● Join from a video system or application Dial: 26320183761@nmed-oit.webex.com You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Need help? Go to help.webex.com
14 Sep

Analisis Gratuitos: Analisis de la Calidad Del Agua para Pozos Privados

9am – 3pm MDT
NMED y NMHealth ofreceran hasta 100 pruebas de agua gratuitas para posoz privados que abastecen a hogares que no estan conectados a un servicio publico de agua en condado de Sierra y comunidades circundantes. Las pruebas incluyen: pH, conductividad electrica, nitrato, hierro, sulfato, fluoruro, y arsenico.

Como Recolectar una Muestra de Agua:
  • Llene un recipiente limpio de vidrio o plastico sin olores, con al menos un cuarto de galon o un litro (es decir, 32 OZ) de su agua de pozo.
  • Si la casa tiene un sistema de filtracion para toda la casa, recolecte el agua en la cabecera del pozo antes de cualquier sistema de filtracion o sistema de ablandador, si es posible.
  • Deje correr el agua 2-3 minutos antes de recolectar la muestra.
  • Recoja la muestra lo mas cerca posible del momento de la prueba.
14 Sep

Free Testing: Private Well Water Quality Testing

9am – 3pm MDT
NMED and NMHealth will be offering up to 100 free water tests for private wells serving homes not connected to a water utility in Sierra County and surrounding communities. Tests include: pH, Electrical conductivity, Nitrate, Iron, Sulfate, Fluoride, and Arsenic.

How to Collect a Water Sample:
  • Fill a clean glass or plastic container without any odors, with at least a quart or a liter (i.e. 32 OZ) of your well water.
  • If the home has a whole house filtration system, collect the water at the well head prior to any filtration or softener systems, if possible.
  • Let the water run 2-3 minutes before collecting the sample.
  • Collect the sample as close to the time of testing as possible.
01 Jan

MGT-343: Disaster Management for Water and Wastewater Utilities

5pm MDT
Course Description:  The Disaster Management for Water and Wastewater Utilities course is designed to provide training to water and wastewater professionals on issues concerning preparing for, responding to, and recovering from natural or man-made disasters that threaten water and wastewater facilities and systems.

This course introduces the various natural and man-made (accidental or intentional) hazards to which water and wastewater systems may be vulnerable and the potential effects of hazards. Planning for and managing incidents are discussed, as well as disaster mitigation, response, and recovery specific to drinking water and wastewater systems. Participants are guided through portions of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Response Protocol Toolbox (RPTB) to identify steps in the response and recovery processes. Case studies on a variety of disaster incidents, as well as hypothetical situations for water and wastewater incidents, are examined. Participants are also given the opportunity to practice developing a disaster response and recovery plan for a disaster affecting a drinking water or wastewater facility or system.
Course Objectives
Determine all-hazard threats that might affect water or wastewater systems
Practice disaster planning and management for water and wastewater incidents
Identify methods to mitigate disasters that threaten water and wastewater facilities and systems
Determine appropriate response actions to an actual or threatened incident
Demonstrate developing a disaster recovery plan

Note: This is a two-day course. It will begin on Wednesday, October 31st from 8 AM - 5 PM and continue the following day, Thursday, October 31st from 8 AM - 5 PM. 
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